
There are many reasons why you may wish to remortgage, but they usually fall into one of three categories. No matter what your reason may be though, it’s important to speak to an adviser beforehand.

Reducing your interest rate and mortgage payments

Depending upon your existing contract, it’s possible that refinancing your mortgage could reduce the rate of interest that you are paying. Especially popular during periods where the Bank of England Bank rate is low, remortgaging can reduce monthly outgoings and potentially reduce the overall amount you need to pay back.

Protection against Rate Rises

Interests rates may rise or fall at any time. For people worried about potential rate rises over the short or medium term, remortgaging allows them to fix their rates at current levels, allowing them budget stability for the years ahead.

Releasing Equity

For those that have built up equity in their home, remortgaging can be an attractive option. It can provide families needing more room with funds to extend their home or it may offer a method to pay off other debts, such as car loans, that have higher rates of interest.

Remortgaging Specialists

There are of course many important considerations; but whatever the reason you have for seeking a house remortgage, we can guide you through the entire process. With whole of market advice we can find the ideal remortgage deal and take the hassle away from you needing to research the market. With your agreement, we would stay in contact with you so that when your current rate is about to come to an end, we can advise you on the correct cause of action to take. We strongly believe in long term client relationships and have forged hundreds of satisfied clients who continue to use our services.

Gravity Private Finance Delivering Excellence For Independent Mortgage Advice.

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